We’re taking a gradual start to the K-12 school year with an orientation week so students & staff have extra time to prepare for safe learning. Teachers and staff will return on Sept. 8 and students by Sept. 10. #BCED #covidbc https://t.co/N40BA9KKPJ pic.twitter.com/f0BHbgjtda
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) August 12, 2020
Students and staff will each be provided with two masks. Everyone will be required to keep a healthy distance and wash hands regularly.
Learn more: https://t.co/8qJaQRJcLG
https://t.co/8qJaQRJcLG #CovidBC pic.twitter.com/JEpQDufxUb— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) August 17, 2020
本日8月17日(月)、BC州政府から「B.C.’s Back to School Plan」の一環として、BC州の中学・高校で教師やスタッフ、生徒は物理的距離が保てない場所でのマスク着用を義務化することが発表されました。
Every student and staff member will be given two masks when they return to school in September.
Under the updated health and safety guidelines, masks are required for all staff and all students in middle and secondary school when they are in high traffic areas like school buses and hallways, and anytime they are outside of their classroom or learning group and they cannot safely distance from others.
・Students will have the choice to wear a mask in the classroom
・Staff will have the choice to wear a mask when interacting within their learning group
・Everyone must treat each other and those wearing masks with respectEven when wearing a mask, staff and students will still be required to maintain physical distance from people outside of their learning group.
・Exceptions will be made for students and staff who cannot wear masks for medical reasonsElementary school students are not required to wear masks.
If a student or staff member develops symptoms while at school, they must wear a mask while they are preparing to go home. Review COVID-19 mask use information from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC).
学生や職員が在学中に症状が出た場合、帰宅の準備をしている間はマスクを着用する必要があります。 ブリティッシュコロンビア州疾病対策センター(BCCDC)からのCOVID-19マスク使用情報を確認してください。
2. Expert advice: Science guides our decisions. Whether it's about transmission in kids or the benefits to in-class learning, we believe in seeking out expert advice in all fields before making a decision. +
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) August 17, 2020
3. Learning groups: Groups reduce the amount of contacts staff and children have in the school day, limit shared spaces, and allow for efficient contact tracing in the event of a positive case. +
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) August 17, 2020
4. Options: If you'd rather your child learn at home, you have options available. Families can choose distance learning or homeschooling as alternatives to in-class learning if it best serves the needs of their children. +
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) August 17, 2020
School districts and individual schools have unique needs, and have the ability to make additional changes to their in-schools protocols.
Learn more: https://t.co/Ito2y5sg7s#BCed #COVIDBC— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) August 17, 2020