虐待を受けている就労者「Vulnerable Workers」の定義について


文/ビザJPカナダ代表 白石有紀
ビザJPカナダ在籍のカナダ政府公認移民コンサルタント。カナダ移民コンサルタント協会(ICCRC) 、およびカナダ移民コンサルタント連盟(CAPIC)の正規メンバー。短期ビザ、永住権の申請取得コンサルティングを専門とする。


・Vulnerable Worker に該当するAbuse(虐待)の定義が明確化
・雇用主限定就労ビザ保持者でVulnerable Worker に該当する場合はオープンワークパーミットへの切り替え申請が可能


カナダの移民法では、雇用主を限定するタイプの就労ビザを保持して働いている就労者が、Vulnerable Workerに該当する場合、オープンワークパーミット(雇用主を限定しない就労ビザ)を申請することができるとしています。

Vulnerable Workerとは、雇用主から身体的、精神的、性的、金銭的な虐待を含む不当な扱いを受けている就労者のことです。この虐待についてのきちんとした定義が、コロナ禍での虐待の具体例も含め移民局より発表になりました。


タイプ 説明
身体的虐待 Physical abuse generally involves physical contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, pain, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm, but it can also include conditions harmful to physical health. ・hitting, beating, slapping, punching, choking, burning, pushing or shoving a worker in a way that results or could result in injury
・confining a worker (habitual residence or other)
・living conditions in employer-provided accommodations that are unsafe or unsanitary or pose a risk to the worker’s health
・forcing or pressuring a worker to work under conditions that are unsafe or pose a risk to their health
・forcing a worker to engage in drug or alcohol use or illegal behaviour against their will and possibly creating dependencies
性的虐待 Sexual abuse generally encompasses any situation in which force or a threat is used to obtain participation in unwanted sexual activity as well as coercing a person to engage in sex against their will. ・forcing or manipulating a worker into having sex or performing sexual acts
・forcing a worker to perform unsafe or degrading sexual acts
・using physical force to compel a worker to engage in a sexual act against their will
・using physical force, weapons or objects in non-consensual sexual acts
・involving other people in non-consensual sexual acts
・exposing, suggesting, attempting or completing a sexual act involving a worker who is unable to understand the nature or condition of the act, unable to decline participation or unable to communicate unwillingness to engage in the sexual act (for example, because of illness, disability, the influence of alcohol or other drugs, intimidation, or pressure)
精神的虐待 Generally, psychological abuse is a pattern of coercive or controlling behaviour, iterated threats or both. ・insulting, intimidating, humiliating, harassing, threatening (including with respect to immigration status or deportation), name-calling, yelling at, blaming, shaming, ridiculing, disrespecting or criticizing a worker
・controlling what a worker can and cannot do
・threatening a worker with murder
・intimidating, threatening or harming a worker with a knife, gun, or other object or weapon
・using religious or spiritual beliefs to manipulate, dominate or control a worker
金銭的虐待 Financial abuse is described as a form of abuse where one person has control over the victim’s access to economic resources. ・failing to pay wages owed to the worker (excluding cases of clear pay errors that have been rectified by the employer)
・stealing or taking a worker’s money, salary, or cheques or coercing them into giving these things up
・controlling or limiting the worker’s financial resources
・withholding money or credit cards
・exploiting a worker’s financial resources
・requiring a worker to deposit money into their bank account for fraudulent purposes
・closely monitoring how a worker spends money
・destroying a worker’s property
・spending a worker’s money without their consent
・charging a worker fees for a job that doesn’t exist








Vulnerable Workerに該当する場合、オープンワークパーミットの申請をすれば、雇用先を限定しない就労ビザに切り替えることができる可能性があります。







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