Currently in BC, people who are not fully vaccinated and get COVID-19 are 12x more likely to be hospitalized, and 27x more likely to end up in critical care. Protect yourself and your loved ones. Get fully vaccinated, get boosted, get your kids vaccinated. https://t.co/hOaWNmwnb2 pic.twitter.com/6upAus5Qfn
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) January 20, 2022
そんな中、「Covid-19っぽい症状があるんだけど、テスト受けに行かなきゃダメ?」「前に一回かかったから、ブースター接種は要らないのかな?」などの疑問について、Vancouver Coastal Healthと BC Centre for Disease Controlの情報からQ&Aとしてまとめてみました。
A: You will receive either the Moderna or Pfizer (mRNA) vaccine for your booster dose. These vaccines are interchangeable.
If you received AstraZeneca or Janssen for your first or second dose, you will receive Moderna or Pfizer for your booster. pic.twitter.com/76zsvZNQLJ
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 20, 2022
モデルナ or ファイザーワクチンのいずれかを接種することになります。交互接種による効果や安全性が報告されています。
1回目または2回目の投与でアストラゼネカ or ジョンソンエンドジョンソンのワクチンを接種している場合でも、ブースター接種はモデルナ or ファイザーとなります。
A: If you were recently infected with COVID-19, you can get your booster:
✅ After you have completed your self-isolation period
✅ At least 10 days have passed since your symptoms started (or since the date of your positive test, if you did not have any symptoms) pic.twitter.com/Y05Rags3gG
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 18, 2022
Vancouver Coastal Healthによると、すでにCOVID-19に感染して回復している場合でも、ブースター接種を受けた方が良いとのことです。
A: If you have mild symptoms, are fully vaccinated, and can safely self-isolate, you don’t need a test.
Stay home and away from others for 5 days, then you can return to regular activities as long as you no longer have a fever and your symptoms have improved. pic.twitter.com/EoLKM4Icpa
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 14, 2022
Vancouver Coastal Healthの投稿には、以下3つの項目をすべて満たした場合、自己隔離を終了できるとしていました。
2) Your fever has resolved for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen
3) Other symptoms have improved or resolved.
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 7, 2022
… you've been in the two days before your positive test.
Generally, you should notify:
📍 People you live or share a room with.📍 People you had intimate contact with.
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 7, 2022
📍 People who may have been exposed to saliva or other bodily fluids, such as people with whom you shared items like a drink, personal hygiene item, cigarette/vape, lipstick, or eating utensils, as well as people who may have been coughed or sneezed on.
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 7, 2022
A: The COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective. But research shows there can be a gradual decline in the level of protection they provide against symptomatic infection over time.
A booster gets immunity back up to a desirable level of protection for an extended period of time. pic.twitter.com/XQHRStgMBf
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 20, 2022
Vancouver Coastal Healthの情報によると、COVID-19ワクチンは非常に効果的です。 しかし、症状のある感染に対する保護のレベルは時間の経過とともに徐々に低下する可能性があるため、ブースター接種が推奨されています。
A: Everyone aged 18 and older who received Dose 1 and 2, and who wants a booster, will receive a booster.
In Canada, boosters have not been approved for use in people under 18. pic.twitter.com/h8m25zZDEX
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 20, 2022
A: You’ll get an invitation to book your booster about six months after Dose 2.
Pregnant people 18+ can get a booster dose eight weeks after their second dose at any stage of their pregnancy. If you haven't received an invite, call 1-833-838-2323 and identify as pregnant. pic.twitter.com/aLIdsacdTp
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 20, 2022
Pregnant people 18+ can now get their booster shot 8 weeks after their second dose. If you haven't received an invite yet, call 1-833-838-2323 and self-identify as pregnant. We’ll book you the next available appointment. Learn more: https://t.co/jvZFrRaS9O pic.twitter.com/xSXotmxT2g
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) January 14, 2022
A: To receive an invitation to book a booster appointment, you must be registered in the provincial Get Vaccinated system and your immunization record must be up to date.
You can not drop-in for a booster dose. pic.twitter.com/9IYBxHKsU5
— Vancouver Coastal Health (@VCHhealthcare) January 20, 2022
ブースター接種の招待状を受け取るには、州のGet Vaccinatedシステムに登録されていて、免疫記録が最新である必要があります。
8-1-1に電話すると、HealthLinkBCの看護師の方と話すことができます。 このサービスは130の言語で利用できます。英語が苦手という方は日本語が利用可能か尋ねてみてください。
Stay up-to-date with the latest #CovidBC info:
• Follow current restrictions: https://t.co/7ow4fFi1gL
• Get boosted 6 months after your second dose: https://t.co/jvZFrRaS9O
• Register your 5-11 year old to get vaccinated: https://t.co/fSivtFc5Fn pic.twitter.com/TrcoMRCVYx— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) January 6, 2022
BC Centre for Disease Control
Vancouver Coastal Health
COVID-19 vaccines FAQ