



(本記事についてのご利用免責事項)これはカナダの現状により日々アップデートされる政府の緊急対策が英語の為、 LifeVancouverが、ひとりでも多くの日本語の方に届くように意訳し、皆さんをヘルプするものです。本英訳(意訳)の内容から起こったトラブルについてはLifeVancouverは一切責任を持ちません。本記事(ページ)のご利用はこの免責事項に同意したものとみなされます。



安全衛生対策(Health & Safety Measures)

photo from BC州政府

Special safety measures help create safe schools and reduce the spread of COVID-19. These extra layers of protection measures work well in schools because they’re controlled environments that have:

Consistent groups of people
Robust illness policies for students and staff
The ability to have most people follow effective personal practices like hand washing


特別な安全対策は、安全な学校をつくり、COVID-19の感染拡大を減らすのに役立ちます。 保護対策の追加レイヤーは、次のような制御された環境であるため、学校でうまく機能します。



ヘルスガイドライン(Health Guidelines)


マスク着用について(Wearing a mask)

Every student and staff member will be given two masks when they return to school in September.

Under the updated health and safety guidelines, masks are required for all staff and all students in middle and secondary school when they are in high traffic areas like school buses and hallways, and anytime they are outside of their classroom or learning group and they cannot safely distance from others.

・Students will have the choice to wear a mask in the classroom
・Staff will have the choice to wear a mask when interacting within their learning group
・Everyone must treat each other and those wearing masks with respect

Even when wearing a mask, staff and students will still be required to maintain physical distance from people outside of their learning group.
・Exceptions will be made for students and staff who cannot wear masks for medical reasons

Elementary school students are not required to wear masks.

If a student or staff member develops symptoms while at school, they must wear a mask while they are preparing to go home. Review COVID-19 mask use information from the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC).








学生や職員が在学中に症状が出た場合、帰宅の準備をしている間はマスクを着用する必要があります。 ブリティッシュコロンビア州疾病対策センター(BCCDC)からのCOVID-19マスク使用情報を確認してください。


物理的距離の実践(Practicing physical distancing)

Reducing the number of close, in-person interactions helps prevent the spread of COVID-19.
・Keep a safe distance from others. The BCCDC recommends at least two metres

People in a learning group don’t need to stay two metres apart but they must limit physical contact. Classrooms will be set up to promote spacing between students where possible.
・Outside of a learning group, including extracurricular activities, middle and secondary students and all K-12 staff must keep a healthy distance,

Physical Distancing Strategies
・Add barriers when students can’t maintain two metres between two or more people and when people interact with a high number of individuals (like at a front reception desk or in a cafeteria)
・Spread students and staff out to different areas when possible
・Stagger break and transition times
・Incorporate individual activities
・Remind students to keep their hands to themselves


他の人から安全な距離を保ってください。 BCCDCは少なくとも2メートルを推奨します。

学習グループの人々は2メートル離れている必要はありませんが、物理的な接触は制限する必要があります。 教室は可能な限り生徒同士の間隔を広げるように(机などが)設置されます。




スクールバスの乗車について(Riding a school bus)

・Buses should be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with BCCDC guidelines
・Buses should be loaded from back to front and offloaded from front to back
・Keep seating consistent and assign seats where possible. If space is available, each student should have their own seat unless sharing with a member of their household
・Middle and secondary school students are required to wear non-medical masks. No student is required to wear a mask if they do not tolerate it
・Masks aren’t recommended for elementary students on buses because they are more likely to touch their face and may need help putting them on and taking them off
・Schools and school districts can consider a transparent barrier to separate the driver from the students
・Schools and school districts should keep up to date passenger lists to share with public health if contact tracing needs to occur
・Students should clean their hands before they leave home, when they leave school, and when they get home

・座席を統一し、可能な限り座席を割り当てる。 スペースに余裕がある場合は、世帯のメンバーと共有する場合を除いて、各学生が自分の席を用意する必要があります
中・高校生は、医療用でないマスクが着用が求められます。 生徒がマスクを我慢できない場合、マスクを着用する必要はありません


物のシェアについて(Using shared items)

In elementary schools, adapt group activities to limit physical contact and reduce shared items.

・Limit use of frequently-touched items that can’t be easily cleaned
・Clean and disinfect laminated materials daily if multiple people touch them

Clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces at least twice every 24 hours, including:

・Door knobs
・Light switches
・Toilet handles
・Tables, desks and chairs used by multiple students

Avoid sharing all food and drinks, including homemade foods like birthday treats or bake sale items.
・If they show up at school, keep them from being shared

Students should label all their personal items and not share them.

There is no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted on textbooks, paper, or other paper-based products.
・Schools can share books or paper-based educational resources with students









手指衛生の実践(Practicing hand hygiene)

Rigorous hand washing is the most effective way to reduce the spread of illness.

・Wash hands with plain soap and water for at least 20 seconds
・You don’t need antibacterial soap for COVID-19
・The temperature of the water doesn’t matter, though most find warm water to be the most comfortable
・Have regular opportunities for staff and students to practice hand hygiene
・Help younger students with hand hygiene as needed
・If there isn’t a sink (like when students and staff are outdoors), use portable hand-washing sites or alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.

If hands are visibly dirty, soap and water are best. If they’re not available, use an alcohol-based hand wipe followed by alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.

Review information on hand hygiene in a school setting from the BCCDC.





手が明らかに汚れている場合は、石けんと水が最適です。 利用できない場合は、アルコールベースのハンドワイプを使用してから、少なくとも60%のアルコールを含むアルコールベースのハンドラブを使用してください。



学校の清掃について(Cleaning the school)

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at least twice every 24 hours (once during the school day).

This is in addition to a general school cleaning, which should happen at least once a day.

Cleaning Strategies
・Clean and disinfect any surface that is visibly dirty
・Use common cleaning and disinfectant products
・Limit frequently-touched items that aren’t easy to clean
・Empty garbage containers daily
・Clean and disinfect laminated materials daily if multiple people touch them






物理的な障壁の設置(Installing physical barriers)

Add barriers when people can’t keep a healthy distance (two metres) and when people interact with a high number of individuals (like at a front reception desk or in a cafeteria).




人の流れの管理(Controlling traffic flow)

Use floor markings and posters to show traffic flow throughout the school.
・This may include one-way hallways and designated entrance and exit doors

Schools must keep the same number of exits and ensure they adhere to the fire code.





学習グループについて(Learning Groups)

photo from BC州政府

A learning group is a group of students and staff who remain together throughout the school quarter, semester or year and who primarily interact with each other. Learning groups were recommended by the Provincial Health Officer to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

For example, a learning group could be made up of:

・A single class of students (20-30)
・Multiple classes that sometimes join together for activities like physical education (PE) or music
・A group of secondary school students with the same courses in the same quarter or semester

Learning groups can also include staff, like:

・Specialist support staff
・Education Assistants (EAs)

Learning groups provide a range of benefits for students including more in-class learning time, increased peer interaction and support, and decreased feelings of isolation.


学習グループとは、学期、学期、または年間を通じて一緒に留まり、主に相互にやり取りする学生とスタッフのグループです。 学習グループは、COVID-19の伝染を減らすのを助けるために州保健担当官によって推薦されました。







なぜ学習グループを利用するのか?(Why Use Learning Groups?)

Compared to other public settings, schools have a relatively consistent set of people accessing the building. Learning groups further reduce the number of interactions between students and staff.

・This helps with contact tracing and limits interruptions to learning if a case of COVID-19 is confirmed in a learning group

Learning group sizes

Learning groups are smallest in elementary and middle schools because it is more challenging for younger students to maintain physical distance.

Students in secondary school are better able to minimize physical contact, practice hand hygiene and recognize if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

・Elementary: 60
・Middle: 60
・Secondary: 120

The PHO order on mass gatherings does not apply to schools, as events are defined in the order as an irregular gathering, like a party or celebration.


他の公共施設と比較して、学校は建物にアクセスする人々の比較的一貫したものを持っています。 学習グループは、学生とスタッフ間のやり取りの数をさらに減らします。








オリエンテーションについて(Orientation Week)

photo from BC州政府

Schools will be in touch with parents with further details about the return to school. To ensure all schools are ready to welcome students into classrooms for the week of September 8-11, 2020, there will be a gradual restart. This gives students and staff extra time to learn about the new health and safety measures in their school and classroom.

September 7

Labour Day, schools are closed.

September 8 and 9

Starting September 8, all staff will meet with their school’s joint health and safety committee to receive instruction on how the updated BCCDC guidelines will work in their school. This time allows teachers and staff to:

・Adjust to their new routines
・Finalize plans for learning groups
・Review health and safety protocols
・Confirm lesson plans that align with the new normal in schools

September 10 and 11

Students will return to school by September 10 for orientation. Check with your school district to confirm details.

Students can get familiar with classrooms that will look different than they did before the pandemic. During orientation, students will:

・Get assigned to their class or classes
・Find out who is in their learning group
・Practice their new routines
・Familiarize themselves with how to safely move from the class to outdoor and common areas of the school











新型コロナウイルスと子どもに関するサイエンス(COVID-19 Science & Children)

According to current worldwide data, COVID-19 has a very low infection rate in people 19 years old and under, and especially low in children under the age of 10.

Serological tests have confirmed that in B.C., less than 1% of all children tested have been COVID-19 positive.

Studies show that most COVID-19 cases in children originate from symptomatic adult family members, not from peers. Even in family bubbles, adults appear to be the primary spreaders of the virus.

Children who do test positive for COVID-19 usually have milder symptoms, such as a low-grade fever, dry cough, and gastrointestinal issues.

What has B.C. learned from the reopening of schools in other places?

Due to widespread, worldwide school closures, there are few studies on the effects of COVID-19 transmission in school settings.

In places that have resumed in-class instruction, children do not appear to be the primary spreaders of COVID-19.

In schools where there were confirmed cases, there was typically minimal spreading beyond the initial case.

Studies have shown that closing schools and child care facilities has significant negative mental health and socioeconomic impacts on vulnerable children.












COVID-19プロトコル(COVID-19 Protocols)


病気の時は家にいる(Stay Home When Sick)

The BCCDC guidelines for schools are firm. If a student, staff member or any other adult has any symptoms of a cold, influenza, COVID-19, or any other infectious respiratory disease, they must not enter the school.

Students, staff members and any other adult must stay home and self-isolate if they have:

・Symptoms of COVID-19
・Travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days
・Identified as a close contact of a confirmed case or outbreak

This includes the children of essential service workers.


学校のBCCDCガイドラインはしっかりしています。 学生、職員、またはその他の成人が風邪、インフルエンザ、COVID-19、またはその他の感染性呼吸器疾患の症状を持っている場合、彼らは学校に行ってはいけません。





日々の健康チェック(Daily Health Screening)

Parent & caregiver responsibilities

Daily screenings start at home. Ask these questions:

・Does your child have the symptoms of a common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease?
・Has your child been outside Canada in the last 14 days?
・Has your child been identified as a close contact of a confirmed case or outbreak?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you must keep your child at home, self-isolate, and seek care from a health-care provider.

School administration responsibilities

Ensure staff and other adults know they are responsible for assessing themselves daily for symptoms prior to entering the school.

Clearly communicate with parents and caregivers that they are responsible for assessing their children daily before sending them to school.



毎日の健康チェックを自宅でしてください。 次の質問をしてください。







子どもが学校に戻る前のテストについて(Testing Students Before a Return to School)

Testing Students Before a Return to School

At this time, it is recommended that only people with symptoms or people otherwise identified by a health professional should be tested for COVID-19. This includes children.

Testing can also result in false positive and false negatives for the following groups:

・Asymptomatic people
・Those who are very early on in the illness
・Those who may be incubating the disease

What if someone in my household or bubble has COVID-19 symptoms?

・Students or staff may still attend school if a member of their household has cold, influenza, or COVID- 19-like symptoms, provided the student/staff is not sick
・It is expected the symptomatic household member is seeking assessment by a health-care provider

What if my child has allergies?

・Students and staff who experience seasonal allergies, or other COVID-19-like symptom that are related to an existing condition, can continue to attend school when they are experiencing these symptoms as normal
・If you notice a sudden change in the severity or type of symptoms your child normally experiences, you may want to keep your child at home and seek advice from a health-care provider











学習グループ内 or 学校で新規感染者が出た場合(Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in a Learning Group or at School)

If a student or staff member develops symptoms at school, protocols are in place.

・If a student or staff member develops symptoms at school, they may be given a non-medical mask and will be separated from their classmates or colleagues
・The individual’s parent or guardian will be contacted to discuss next steps
・Custodial staff will clean and disinfect the areas the person used
・Schools will immediately inform public health of a potential case
・Public health will then:
・Reach out and identify any potential cases
・Get in touch with close contacts
・Recommend 14-day isolation if necessary
・Provide follow-up recommendations if necessary
・Schools will provide learning support to students required to self-isolate
・Together, schools and public health officials will determine if suspending in-class learning is necessary

You will be notified if your child has been in contact with a COVID-positive person. If that happens, your child is required to self-isolate.




子どもがCOVID陽性の人と接触した場合は通知されます。 その場合、あなたの子どもは自己隔離する必要があります。


出席要件(Attendance Requirements)

In-Class Instruction
In-class instruction provides students with peer engagement, supports social and emotional development and decreases feelings of isolation.

School also provides many students access to programs and services they can’t get at home and is integral to their overall health.

Like every year, students who are registered in “bricks and mortar” schools are expected to attend school in-person, unless they are sick.

・Schools and teachers at the elementary and middle school grades will not be providing daily online options for students
・Students in secondary school courses may be required to complete some learning online, only if in-person instruction is not possible given learning group sizes

Alternative Options

Like every September, parents have options for their child’s education.

Before selecting an alternative to in-class instruction, parents should talk to their school district about their options if they later want to return and enrol at their desired school.

We recommend making a decision as soon as possible.

Online and distributed learning
Both public and independent distributed learning schools offer classes. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 7 must take a full course load at one school, while students in Grades 8 to 12 may enrol in courses from a number of different distributed learning schools at one time.

There are 48 school districts with 56 public schools offering distributed learning courses. Sixteen independent schools are currently offering distributed learning courses.

Homeschooling is an alternative method of teaching offered outside the B.C. educational system. Typically, a family member delivers the entire educational program to children at home.

Note: Homeschoolers are not eligible to receive a British Columbia Dogwood Graduation Certificate.











■ オンラインおよび分散学習


■ ホームスクーリング

注:在宅で学習する子どもは、British Columbia Dogwood Graduation Certificateを受け取る資格はありません。


追加のニーズのサポート(Supporting Additional Needs)

International Students

We continue to support international students coming to B.C. to study.

All students who have travelled outside of Canada are required to self-isolate for 14 days under both provincial and federal orders. This includes students who are attending school from abroad.

Students will return to the classroom by September 10, 2020. International students should arrive in B.C. no later than August 26, 2020 to complete their 14-day self-isolation. This can be done with a host family or with the help of federal government officials.




カナダ国外に旅行したすべての学生は、州と連邦の両方の命令の下で、14日間自己隔離する必要があります。 これには、海外から学校に通う生徒も含まれます。



教室の外で(Outside the Classroom)

Recess, Lunch & Break Times
Students will remain in their learning group during recess, lunch and break times.

Students can socialize with a friend in a different learning group if they follow these rules.

Elementary schools
・Outdoors, minimizing physical contact
・Indoors, maintain physical distance

Middle and secondary schools
・Consistently maintain physical distance in all environments

Sports, Clubs & Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities including sports, arts and special interest clubs can only occur if:

・Physical distance can be maintained between members of different learning groups
・Reduced physical contact is practiced by those within the same learning group

Assemblies, Concerts & Gatherings

Small gatherings can only occur within a learning group.

・A gathering can include the full learning group (60 or 120) and the minimum number of people needed to meet the gathering’s purpose
・For example, a parent-teacher conference would require one parent per student and a teacher

Assemblies, concerts and other large gatherings like a guest speaker should happen virtually.

Tournaments, competitions & festivals

All inter-school events including competitions, tournaments and festivals should not occur at this time.

Work Placements & Apprenticeships

School districts and independent school authorities will assess and determine if it is safe for students to remain on work placements and apprenticeships.

・For work placements that cannot continue in person, districts and schools will determine if alternate methods to continue learning or accumulate volunteer hours for work placements are possible
・Students are encouraged to talk to their teachers about work placements and apprenticeships

School Meal Programs

School districts with existing meal programs will continue to work with community partners to provide meal support to families in need, in alignment with current public health guidelines.


















