
カナダ統計局、新型コロナウイルスの影響によるビジネスの現状・調査結果 日本語訳





そこで今回は、カナダ統計局が7月14日に発表した「Canadian Survey on Business Conditions: Impact of COVID-19 on businesses in Canada, May 2020」の内容を日本語でお届けします。


(本記事についてのご利用免責事項)これはカナダの現状により日々アップデートされる政府の情報が英語の為、 LifeVancouver/LifeTorontoが、ひとりでも多くの日本語の方に届くように意訳し、皆さんをヘルプするものです。本英訳(意訳)の内容から起こったトラブルについてはLifeVancouver/LifeTorontoは一切責任を持ちません。本記事(ページ)のご利用はこの免責事項に同意したものとみなされます。



(Nearly two-thirds of businesses expect their number of employees to remain the same over the next three months)

Through the month of June, businesses were asked what their expectations were over the next three months on the number of employees they employed. Nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of businesses expect their number of employees to remain the same over the next three months. Overall, 15.1% of businesses expect their number of employees to increase over the same period. Nearly one-quarter of businesses in the accommodation and food services sector (24.4%) and in the manufacturing sector (23.9%) expect to increase their number of employees over the next three months.



6月に、スタティスティックスカナダは企業に雇用者数に対する今後3か月間の期待値を尋ねました。 企業のほぼ3分の2(65.8%)は、今後3か月間は従業員数が変わらないと予想しています。




企業の5分の4は個人用保護具(マスクや手袋など)or消耗品を必要とする or 今後必要とすると予想
(Four-fifths of businesses need or expect to need personal protective equipment or supplies)

Four-fifths (80.5%) of businesses need or expect to need personal protective equipment or supplies as physical distancing measures are relaxed. Businesses in the health care and social assistance sector (93.0%), the accommodation and food services sector (92.9%) and the retail trade sector (91.9%) were most likely to need equipment or supplies. Over two-thirds (68.1%) of businesses reported that they need or will need masks and eye protection, while over three-fifths (64.4%) need or will need cleaning products. Two-thirds (66.5%) of businesses indicated they were likely or very likely to provide facemasks, gloves, and other personal protective equipment to employees. Three-quarters (74.8%) of businesses reported they were likely or very likely to increase sanitization of the workplace. Over one-fifth (22.0%) of businesses were experiencing or expect to experience difficulty procuring personal protective equipment or supplies.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 5.0% of businesses indicated they had started manufacturing new products. Businesses in the manufacturing sector (15.5%) were most likely to shift production. Nearly two-thirds of businesses shifting production had started manufacturing masks and eye protection (66.0%) and hand sanitizer (62.0%).


企業の5分の4(80.5%)は、物理的な距離の測定が緩和されているため、個人用保護具または消耗品が必要である or 今後必要であると予想しています。


さらに、3分の2以上(68.1%)の企業がマスクと目の保護が必要 or 今後必要であると報告し、5分の3以上(64.4%)がクリーニング製品が必要or今後必要になるだろうとしています。


企業の4分の3(74.8%)が、職場の消毒を増加させる可能性が高い、または非常に高い可能性があると報告しています。 5分の1以上(22.0%)の企業が、個人用保護具または備品の調達に困難を経験している or 今後困難を経験すると予測しています。


(Teleworking or working remotely before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic)

Teleworking and working remotely have become more prevalent since the start of the crisis. Nearly one-third (32.6%) of businesses reported 10% or more of their workforce was teleworking or working remotely on May 29, 2020. This was almost twice the level reported as of February 1, 2020, when 16.6% of businesses reported 10% or more of their workforce was teleworking or working remotely.

Once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, close to one-quarter (22.5%) of businesses expect that 10% or more of their workforce will continue to telework or work remotely. Over two-fifths of businesses in the information and cultural industries sector (47.2%) and in the professional, scientific and technical services sector (44.5%) expect that 10% or more of their workforce will continue to telework or work remotely once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

For businesses that indicate teleworking as potentially applicable to their workforce, just over one-quarter (25.2%) reported being likely or very likely to offer more employees the possibility of teleworking or working remotely once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, while 14.3% were likely or very likely to require it.






在宅勤務を従業員に適用できる可能性があるとしている企業の4分の1(25.2%)が、パンデミックが終了後もより多くの従業員に在宅勤務または遠隔勤務の可能性を提供する可能性が高い or 非常に高いと報告しています。


(Over half of all businesses report that revenues fell by about one-third or more in April 2020 compared with April 2019)

Over half (51.6%) of businesses reported that their revenues for the month of April were down 30% or more compared with April 2019. More than one-third (35.3%) of businesses reported that revenues were down by half or more.

While revenue was down sharply, just over two-fifths (40.9%) of businesses reported that their expenses (excluding salaries and wages) have stayed the same year over year, while close to one-third (32.4%) saw expenses decline by 10% or more.

Over three-quarters of businesses in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (80.3%) and in the accommodation and food services sector (78.1%) experienced revenue drops of 30% or more. In contrast, nearly three-fifths of businesses in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sector (59.0%) and just over two-fifths of businesses in the professional, scientific and technical services sector (41.4%) and in the finance and insurance sector (41.3%) reported either no change or an increase in revenue.





対照的に、農業、林業、漁業、および狩猟のセクターの約5分の3の企業(59.0%)、および専門的、科学的および技術的サービスのセクター(41.4%)の2/5強の企業、および金融および保険 セクター(41.3%)は、収益に変化がない or 増加を報告しています。


(Nearly two-thirds of businesses were approved for funding from government programs or credit from external providers)

Nearly two-thirds (63.7%) of businesses reported being approved for funding from government programs or credit from external providers in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses in Quebec (72.0%) and Prince Edward Island (67.0%) were most likely to be approved for funding or credit. Over three-quarters of businesses in the accommodation and food services sector (84.2%) and in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (75.2%) were approved for funding.

The Government of Canada has implemented measures to support businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures included the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA), which provides qualifying businesses with a loan of up to $40,000, and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), which provides a subsidy to support businesses in paying wages.

Over two-fifths (43.1%) of businesses applied for and were approved for the CEBA, led by businesses in Quebec (51.1%) and British Columbia (43.8%). Businesses in the accommodation and food services sector (61.0%), the transportation and warehousing sector (53.5%) and the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (51.8%) were most likely to be approved for the CEBA.

Nearly one-quarter (22.6%) of businesses reported being approved for the CEWS. Two-fifths of businesses in the accommodation and food services sector (40.8%) and in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (40.5%) were approved for the CEWS. Of businesses that were approved for the CEWS, over half (53.0%) reported that the subsidy allowed them to hire back 30% or more of their workforce. Almost one-quarter (23.2%) of businesses approved for the subsidy reported that the subsidy allowed them to hire back 100% of their workforce.





カナダ政府は、COVID-19パンデミックを通じて企業を支援するための対策を実施しています。 これらの措置には、適格企業に最大4万ドルのローンを提供するカナダ緊急ビジネスアカウント(CEBA)と、企業が賃金を支払うことを支援するための補助金を提供するカナダ緊急賃金補助金(CEWS)が含まれます。





(Nearly one-quarter of Canadian businesses had their rent or mortgage payments deferred)

Nearly one-quarter (23.6%) of businesses that make rent or mortgage payments had their rent or mortgage payments deferred, while 5.7% of businesses had their request to defer payments rejected. Three-fifths (60.1%) of the businesses that make rent or mortgage payments had not asked or been offered the option to defer payments owed.






(Over one-quarter of businesses report laying off staff due to the COVID-19 pandemic)

Two-fifths (39.9%) of businesses reported reducing staff hours or shifts due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while over one-quarter (28.4%) laid off staff. Close to one-fifth (17.4%) of all businesses laid off half or more of their workforce. Of the businesses that laid off at least one employee, over three-fifths (61.3%) laid off 50% or more of their workforce. Over 80% of businesses that laid off staff in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (89.6%), the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sector (83.0%), and the accommodation and food services sector (80.3%) reported layoffs to 50% or more of their workforce.

Despite the disruption caused by COVID-19 to the overall economy, close to one-quarter (22.9%) of businesses reported having implemented no changes with regards to staffing in light of COVID-19. Notably, nearly half (47.9%) of businesses in the agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sector reported they had implemented no changes to staffing as a result of the crisis. Nevertheless, almost all businesses in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (94.3%) and in the accommodation and food services sector (94.1%) reported having taken some staffing action, as well as nearly all (90.9%) businesses with more than 100 employees.








(Almost one-fifth of businesses can continue to operate at current level of revenue and expenditures for less than six months before considering further staffing actions, closure or bankruptcy)

Almost one-fifth (19.3%) of businesses reported they could continue to operate at their current level of revenue and expenditures for less than six months before considering further staffing actions, closure or bankruptcy. Over three-tenths of businesses in the accommodation and food services sector (34.7%) and in the information and cultural industries sector (31.5%), and over one-quarter of businesses in the arts, entertainment and recreation sector (26.8%) reported they could continue to operate at their current level of revenue and expenditures for less than six months before considering the same.






(Data are now available)

Data from the Canadian Survey on Business Conditions are now available. The tables provide data at the national level, as well as by province and territory, by industrial sector, by employment size, by type of business and by majority ownership.


カナダのビジネス状況に関する調査のデータが利用可能になりました。 これらの表は、国レベルのデータと、州および準州、産業セクター、雇用規模、ビジネスのタイプ、および大多数のオーナーシップによるデータを提供します。





