We're taking the next step in BC's Restart Plan – with a gradual transition to Phase 3.
This means we can now look to travel safely around the province. But as we hit the open road this summer, we must all keep doing our part to keep each other safe.https://t.co/VPYr4MyO0A
— John Horgan (@jjhorgan) June 24, 2020
そして、BC州政府のウェブサイトには「Phase 3 – BC’s Restart Plan」というタイトルでフェーズ3に注意することなどが新たにまとめられているので、今回はその内容を日本語に意訳してみました。
- 【把握しておこう】BC州政府がまとめている再開計画フェーズ3の内容・日本語訳
- フェーズ3でなにが変わるの?(What’s Happening in Phase 3)
- ホテル、モーテル、キャンピングカー公園、キャビン、リゾート、ホステル、バックカントリー(整備区域外)での宿泊の運営に関して(Hotel, motels, RV parks, cabins, resorts, hostels, lodges, and backcountry operators)
- 宿泊を伴うBC州立公園でのキャンプに関して(BC Parks overnight camping)
- 映画またはテレビ制作などの事業に関して(Motion picture and television production)
- 2020/2021年度に関するカナダにて幼稚園から高等学校を卒業するまでの13年間の教育(K-12)においての校内での受講に関して(K-12 in-person classes, 2020/2021 school year)
- 2020/2021年度の大学またはカレッジなどの高等教育機関においての校内での受講に関して(Post-secondary in-person classes, 2020/2021 academic year)
- BS州内での旅行に関するガイドライン(Guidelines for B.C. Travel)
- ソーシャルインタラクションのガイドライン(Guidelines for Social Interaction)
- フェーズ3でなにが変わるの?(What’s Happening in Phase 3)
photo from BC州政府
フェーズ3でなにが変わるの?(What’s Happening in Phase 3)
People can take part in smart, safe and respectful travel within B.C. Remember, international travellers returning to B.C. are required by law to self-isolate for 14 days and complete a self-isolation plan.
The BC Restart Plan takes a phased approach to reopening. This allows sectors and activities within the phases to open when the evidence and data tells us the time is right, and as protocols and guidance are in place for them to do so safely.
The guidelines and extra safety precautions for sectors in Phase 2 are still in place.
The following are businesses that may be reopening and some measures that may be in place.
ホテル、モーテル、キャンピングカー公園、キャビン、リゾート、ホステル、バックカントリー(整備区域外)での宿泊の運営に関して(Hotel, motels, RV parks, cabins, resorts, hostels, lodges, and backcountry operators)
What to Expect
The accommodation industry was not ordered to close by the Provincial Health Officer. Many operators closed voluntarily and are now preparing to welcome guests in Phase 3.
Connect with your accommodation before you check in and arrive prepared. Changes may include:
・Maintain 2 m of physical distance from workers and guests when possible
・Layouts may be rearranged, including markers on the floor to designate areas and directions to move through spaces
・On-site pools, hot tubs, gym facilities, and play areas may have restricted capacity and sanitization protocols
・When staying in a hostel or shared accommodation, beds will be 2 m apart, arranged head-to-toe引用:BC州政府
Business Orders and Guidance
The accommodation sector must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place based on the protocols set by WorkSafeBC.
・WorkSafeBC – Accommodation: Protocols for returning to operationEmployers must also ensure they are abiding by any relevant orders, notices, or guidance issued by the Provincial Health Officer and the health authority relevant to their workplace.
宿泊を伴うBC州立公園でのキャンプに関して(BC Parks overnight camping)
BC Parks campground and backcountry camping reservations opened for B.C. residents on June 1, 2020.
What to Expect
・The 2020 season booking window has been reduced to two months in advance of an arrival date, on a rolling window
・Preferential access to camping will be given to B.C. residents
・Non-B.C. residents with existing reservations should request a refund. Any reservations made by non-B.C. residents after May 25, 2020 will be cancelled without refund
・Not all parks and campgrounds are open. Check the BC Parks website for closures引用:BC州政府
・BC州立公園のキャンプグラウンドは開園しない施設もございます。施設のご利用に関しては事前に「BC Parks website」にてご確認ください。
映画またはテレビ制作などの事業に関して(Motion picture and television production)
July 2020, What to Expect
Check with your employer before you visit the set or production office to review their safety protocols and arrive prepared. Changes may include:
・Staggering work schedules to reduce the number of workers present at one time
・Limiting or restricting visitors to set
・Eliminating open calls for performers and assigning arrival times
・Offering pre-packaged or wrapped meals and snacks at craft services
・Assigning individual hairstylists and makeup artists to one performer at a time
・Reducing the number of cast and crew at filming areas and video village引用:BC州政府
Business Orders and Guidance
The motion picture and television production industry must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place based on the protocols set by WorkSafeBC.
・WorkSafeBC – Motion picture and television production: Protocols for returning to operation
Employers must also ensure they are abiding by any relevant orders, notices, or guidance issued by the Provincial Health Officer and the health authority relevant to their workplace.
・PHO Order – Workplace Safety Plans — May 14, 2020 (PDF, 188KB)
2020/2021年度に関するカナダにて幼稚園から高等学校を卒業するまでの13年間の教育(K-12)においての校内での受講に関して(K-12 in-person classes, 2020/2021 school year)
On May 15, Premier Horgan and Minister Fleming announced that parents had the choice to send their children back to school on a gradual and part-time basis, beginning June 1, 2020.
This gradual return allows school districts, teachers, students, parents and support staff to practice and prepare for the 2020/2021 school year.
A return to full-time in-class learning will happen in September 2020 as part of Phase 3, if it’s safe to do so.
2020/2021年度の大学またはカレッジなどの高等教育機関においての校内での受講に関して(Post-secondary in-person classes, 2020/2021 academic year)
The Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training is working with all 25 public post-secondary institutions in B.C. to support their planning for the 2020/2021 academic year.
・The post-secondary sector is developing broad health and safety guidelines
・Each institution will then develop their plans for program delivery, taking into account the health and well-being of students, staff and facultyMany institutions have decided to continue with mostly online delivery this fall, while delivering hands-on, experiential training where needed while practicing physical distancing.
・Returning and prospective students are encouraged to visit their post-secondary institutions’ website for the latest information
BS州内での旅行に関するガイドライン(Guidelines for B.C. Travel)
Travel is different this year. The precautions you take at home should also be taken when you are away.
Some towns, communities and regions who rely on tourism are eager to welcome B.C. visitors with safety measures in place. Others might be hesitant to welcome outside visitors this summer and people need to respect that.
We encourage British Columbians to be respectful of the communities you plan to visit and be safe as you enjoy the many beautiful locations across our province.引用:BC州政府
今、私は旅行はするべき?(Should I Travel?)
photo from BC州政府
When you hit the open roads this summer, you are not leaving COVID-19 behind.
・Consider the health and safety of people in your bubble, and whether you want to take any extra risks
If you decide to travel, take the same health and safety precautions you do at home.
・Wash your hands often
・Practice safe distancing, 2 m
・Spend time in small groups and open spaces
・Clean spaces oftenIf you are feeling sick, stay home. No exceptions.
If symptoms develop while travelling, self-isolate immediately and contact 8-1-1 for guidance and testing.
情報収集と事前準備は万端に!(Do Your Research and Arrive Prepared)
photo from BC州政府
Do your research before you travel and make sure your summer trip is right for you, right for your family and right for the community you are visiting.
Research B.C. Travel information
・Plan ahead to make sure the community you want to visit is welcoming visitors
・Be respectful of locals
・Contact the local tourism association or Chamber of Commerce to learn what services are availableArrive prepared to smaller communities if they don’t have the resources to support you.
・Bring groceries and essential supplies, if possible
・If you get sick, self-isolate immediately and contact 8-1-1 for guidance and testingIf communities are welcoming visitors, support their small businesses when you can.
BC州衛生管理局長ボニーヘンリー博士のトラベルマナー(Dr. Bonnie Henry’s Travel Manners)
photo from BC州政府
Check before you go
Fewer faces in bigger spaces
If sick, stay home
Wash your hands
Keep a safe physical distance
Come prepared, bring supplies
Respect travel advisories引用:BC州政府
ソーシャルインタラクションのガイドライン(Guidelines for Social Interaction)
There are key guidelines to keep yourself and others safe.
If you are at greater risk (over the age of 60 or with underlying medical conditions), be informed of your risk, think through your risk tolerance and take extra precautions.
身近という「圏内」(Inside Your Bubble)
photo from BC州政府
Your bubble includes members of your immediate household and can be carefully expanded to include others.
・Try to limit the number of people in your bubble
・Every time you add someone to your bubble, you are also connecting with everybody in their bubble
・Inside your bubble you can hug and kiss and do not need to wear a mask or stay 2 m apart
・Remember, vigilant hand-washing and space cleaning is still important
・If you are sick, self-isolate from people in your bubble as much as possible引用:BC州政府
身近という「圏内」から一歩外へ(Outside Your Bubble)
photo from BC州政府
In personal settings when you’re seeing friends and family who aren’t in your bubble:
・get together in small groups of 2 to 6 people
・Keep 2 m of physical distance from those who are outside your bubble and limit your time together
・Stay home and away from others if you have cold or flu-like symptoms
・Take extra precautions for those at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19, including older people and those with chronic health conditions引用:BC州政府
衛生を常に保ちましょう(Practice Good Hygiene)
photo from BC州政府
・Stay at home and keep a safe distance from people in your household when you have cold or flu-like symptoms, including:
-Runny nose
-Sore throat
-Fatigue・No handshaking or hugs with people outside of your bubble
・Practice good hygiene, including:
-Regular hand washing
-Avoiding touching your face
-Covering coughs and sneezes
-Disinfect frequently touched surfaces・Maintain physical distance as much as possible when in the community and where not possible, consider using a non-medical mask or face covering
ICYMI: We're moving carefully and safely into Phase 3 of BC's Restart Plan.
It includes the safe and respectful return of travel and tourism within the province.
More info: https://t.co/b4f8mdzOQN pic.twitter.com/rVim8vH4R7
— John Horgan (@jjhorgan) June 25, 2020