

3月19日(火) 18:30~ 日加商工会議所企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)による共催セミナーが開催されます。




今回、日加商工会議所企友会(バンクーバー日系ビジネス協会)の共催にてセミナーを開催致します。今回はBC州政府財務省のPSTスペシャリスト をゲストとしてお招きし、本制度についてお話頂きます。(英語でのセミナーとなります。)


日時: 2013年3月19日(火) 18:30~21:00 (18:00開場)
場所: Listel Hotel Vancouver (1300 Robson St., Vancouver)
    Sculpture Gallery Room  地図 >>

参加費: 日加商工会議所・企友会 会員:$5、 非会員・一般参加:$15

お申込み: 事前お申込みが必要です。
こちらの お申込みフォーム からお申込みください。

お申込み締切: 3月15日(金)15:00まで

日加商工会議所 jccoc.events@gmail.com
企友会     kiyukaiseminar@gmail.com

※ 会報およびホームページへの掲載の為、イベント中、写真撮影を致します。予めご了承ください。

Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce & Kiyukai Joint Seminar

“Transition from HST to GST/PST; dealing with the effects of the changing Tax system”

As you are all aware, as of April 1, 2013, the GST/PST will once again return to B.C. as the HST will be abolished. There may be many people with questions as to how Businesses and Consumer activity will actually be affected by this change.

The Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce and Kiyukai will be holding a joint seminar to address these questions/concerns. Our guest speakers will be provincial tax specialists, who have been with the B.C. Ministry of Finance for several years and have experience in assisting taxpayers in preparing to transition to the new PST (the seminar will be conducted in English).

Business Owners and those who may be interested in the effect of these tax changes, are invited to attend this seminar.

Date: March 19, 2013 18:30~21:00 (Doors Open 18:00)
Location: Listel Hotel Vancouver (1300 Robson St., Vancouver)
Sculpture Gallery Room
Fee : Japan-Canada Chamber of Commerce and Kiyukai
Members $5.00  Non-Members $15.00
Reservations: Attendance must be reserved in advance

1. Reserve by email : jccoc.events@gmail.com or kiyukaiseminar@gmail.com
2. Please email attached information

JC-COC/Kiyukai Member:$5.00x( )=Total $ Non-Member:$15.00x(_)=Total $

※Register early as number of seats are limited. Registration closes on Friday, March 15. Cancellations after last day of registration are non-refundable. Payment to be made by cash, cheque upon arrival . (Payable to: “JC-COC” or “Kiyukai”).

Inquiry: jccoc.events@gmail.com or kiyukaiseminar@gmail.com

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