2月6日、トルコ南東部のシリア国境付近でマグニチュード 7.8という大地震があったことは既に皆さんもご存知かと思います。
The people of Türkiye and Syria need our help – and I know Canadians are stepping up. We are, too. Between February 6th and 22nd, we’re matching your donations to @RedCrossCanada’s Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria Appeal – up to $10 million. More here: https://t.co/561E4LwQ6t
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) February 8, 2023
Red Cross and Red Crescent teams are on the ground in Türkiye and Syria supporting search and rescue efforts and providing basic needs, warmth, and shelter. Eligible donations will be matched by the Government of Canada to a maximum of $10 million from Feb 6-22, 2023.
— Canadian Red Cross (@redcrosscanada) February 8, 2023
カナダ赤十字(Canadian Red Cross)が募金を呼び掛けています。こちらでは、2月6日~22日まで寄せられた金額に対して、カナダ政府が最大1,000万ドルまでマッチドネーションを行う予定です。
Breaking news ‼️ 12 Canadian charities are joining forces under the banner of the @humcoalition to provide relief and assistance to the people of Türkiye and Syria 🇹🇷🇸🇾
🔗Make a donation to https://t.co/90mW5g6EOd pic.twitter.com/zf6VPZHWxR— Humanitarian Coalition | Coalition Humanitaire (@humcoalition) February 6, 2023
また、140ヶ国に拠点を持つ Humanitarian Coalition は災害時におけるカナダの12の国際援助機関の共同体のようなものです。
その他にも、UNICEF や GlobalGiving 、Oxfam Canadaなどの組織もドネーションを募っているので、確認してみてください。
The catastrophic earthquakes that hit southeast #Türkiye and #Syria have left thousands dead or injured.
Children and their families are now at risk, sleeping outside in harsh winters. They need our help now.
Donate today: https://t.co/L4Odsvaf7Z pic.twitter.com/GXCdLEvZOb— UNICEF Canada (@UNICEFCanada) February 7, 2023
A 7.8 magnitude #earthquake has hit #Turkey and #Syria, killing more than 2,000 people. Thousands more are wounded and without shelter.
Survivors need your help.
Donate now to the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief Fund to provide emergency assistance: https://t.co/at3Vg0oQPa
— GlobalGiving (@GlobalGiving) February 6, 2023
Here are 3 tweets to :
⚠️Learn the situation
⚠️See what Oxfam and partners are doing
⚠️Donate to this urgent crisis #TurkeyEarthquake #Syria pic.twitter.com/9DV68lmYS8— Oxfam Canada (@OxfamCanada) February 7, 2023
Turkish Culture and Folklore Society of Canadaでは、オンタリオ州キッチナー~ウォータールーエリアで物資を集めています。
- 懐中電灯
- 魔法瓶
- 寝袋
- テント
- おむつ
- 衛生用品
- 未使用のジャケット
- 未使用の手袋
- 未使用の帽子
- 未使用のソックス
- 未使用の靴
- 未使用のズボン
- 未使用のブランケット
#Kitchener, ON drop off center, thank you volunteers:#deprem #DEPREMOLDU #earthquakehttps://t.co/UmKSbwcJJA
— Turkish Federation in Canada 🇹🇷🇨🇦 (@TurkFederation) February 8, 2023
Donations are pouring into a Vancouver warehouse for those affected by Monday's devastating earthquake in Turkey, but a volunteer organizer says the country could most benefit from professional search and rescue teams. https://t.co/qseBRkpcVB
— CBC British Columbia (@cbcnewsbc) February 8, 2023
また、BC州バンクーバーでもトルコ人コミュニティを中心に、すぐに食べられる調理済み食品、防寒着など寄付された物資をTurkish Airlines の直行便でイスタンブールへ送っていることがニュースとなっていました。
以下のUBC Turkish Student Associationの投稿を見ると、寝袋、毛布、おむつなどの寄付が求められています。物資の支援を検討している方は、ぜひ確認してみてください。
Our hearts are with those affected by the tragic earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. pic.twitter.com/Etnkj2nEFQ
— TELUS (@TELUS) February 6, 2023
To help Canadians stay connected to loved ones following the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Rogers is temporarily waiving long-distance calls and SMS for Rogers, Fido and chatr customers to both countries until Feb 28, 2023. pic.twitter.com/tUnW3GYJ2Y
— RogersHelps (@RogersHelps) February 7, 2023
To assist Canadians concerned about their loved ones in #Turkiye and #Syria, effective immediately, we are waiving post-paid fees for long-distance calls and text messages made from Canada to Turkiye and Syria until February 28. This will be applied automatically. pic.twitter.com/44GjKDCFmI
— Bell (@Bell) February 7, 2023
Our hearts go out to those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
To help our customers stay connected to loved ones, Freedom Mobile is waiving all International Long Distance and SMS fees for calls and texts to Turkey and Syria for our customers until February 28. pic.twitter.com/kZXFmjClND— Freedom Mobile (@FreedomMobile) February 8, 2023
Our hearts go out to those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
To help our customers stay connected to loved ones, Shaw is waiving all International Long Distance and SMS fees for calls and texts to Turkey and Syria for our customers until February 28. pic.twitter.com/8vXTL9RwjD— Shaw Communications (@ShawInfo) February 8, 2023
最後になりますが、Telus や Rogers 、Bellなどカナダの各携帯会社は、カナダからトルコとシリアへの長距離通話とテキストメッセージの料金を一時無料にするなどの支援も行っています。