そんな中、新型コロナウイルスの影響で閉鎖しているBC Parksが管理する多くのキャンプ場がいよいよ6月1日(月)から再開されます。
予約は今朝5月25日(月)7:00 (PST)からスタートだったわけですが、ハプニングも発生?
BC residents can now reserve campsites in most provincial campgrounds and in the backcountry, opening June 1. Changes have been made so campgrounds can open safely and allow for physical distancing. For more info and reservations visit: https://t.co/Pc28sVpoud #COVIDBC pic.twitter.com/kdiUHHmZ4N
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) May 25, 2020
2017年以来BC Parks には1,205ヶ所のキャンプ場が新たに追加されていますが、本日25日に非常に多くの方がキャンプ場を予約するべく待機していたようで、BC Parksも想像していなかった予約サイトへの急激なトラフィックの増大によって、予約ページがクラッシュしてしまいました。
I was SOOOOOOO closed. Picked a couple of dates, went to confirm the booking then the site crashed. 🤯
— Angela Jung (@AngelaJungCTV) May 25, 2020
Wow, bold move on this #bcparks logo redesign. pic.twitter.com/plaeGoOZfO
— Anthony Diehl (@anthony_diehl) May 25, 2020
BC Parks Website Plans vs. 2020 Edition. 😂 pic.twitter.com/u83JZ1Flt9
— Jackson Murphy (@jacksonian) May 25, 2020
Me emerging victorious from the chaos of the BC Parks website with a campsite pic.twitter.com/bCDkM26qsU
— Ry (@radkins6) May 25, 2020
#bcparks me saying goodbye to my camping trip #why pic.twitter.com/OI93xcf5Yx
— Jcho (@Jcho51712653) May 25, 2020
Been kicked out / server error countless time in 2 hrs of #bcparks website. What a shit show. pic.twitter.com/nnN3TjEjuJ
— Jeff Conners (@jeffreydc) May 25, 2020
#BCParks Employees arriving to the call center for work this morning. pic.twitter.com/hGNaEAEYW5
— Stephen Fryer (@Fryer_Stephen) May 25, 2020
One night of camping, that's all I'm asking for! (And have been asking for since 7am) #bcparks pic.twitter.com/A03VRFThJo
— Annie Rueter (@annierueter1) May 25, 2020
Tried again, after the mad rush. Success 😅 🏆 #BCparks pic.twitter.com/c6DTnn91U3
— Amanda Kran (@VodkaKranberry) May 25, 2020
4 hours later…I’m taking the rest of Monday off. #BCParks pic.twitter.com/v82kVOCJCt
— James Cybulski (@JamesCybulski) May 25, 2020
@TaylorL07 If you try again now, we hope so, yes. By 1:45 today, 43,000 reservations had been successfully processed. While the system was overwhelmed by unprecedented demand this morning (50,000 at opening), it's catching up – now at a rate of 10 reservations per second.
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) May 25, 2020
@it_camping with some patience and luck, 43,000 could. That's how many reservations were processed by 1:45. Although the system was slowed by unprecedented demand, reservations are getting through and there are still sites available within this two-month rolling window.
— BC Government News (@BCGovNews) May 25, 2020
ということで、予約開始日の5月25日1時45分までだけでも 43,000件の予約があったようです。