


Meet the candidates for City Bird 2016

Get to know your candidates for Vancouver City Bird 2016. This year’s candidates are rare birds and were chosen to raise awareness about endangered species that were once common in Vancouver.
You have until May 9 to vote. Vote carefully.



1. candidates:候補者
2. chosen:選ばれた
3. awareness:知ってもらう
4. endangered:絶滅危惧





1. candidates


– the candidates had a very lively debate
– all candidates should arrive by no later than 10 am
– in my candid opinion, it’s completely stupid

2. chosen

Chosen 「選ばれた」と訳せます。フレーズで紹介します。

– I think I chose the wrong one
– which colour would you choose: red or blue
– remember, you were chosen by all of us to lead this project

3. awareness

Awareness 「知ってもらう」と訳せます。ちょっと難しそうな単語ですね。他の意味や使い方もフレーズで紹介します。

– we need to raise awareness about this serious issue
– got totally wasted yesterday…drifting in and out of awareness and blackness
– they were well aware of what could have happened

4. endangered

Endangered 「絶滅危惧」と訳せます。Endanger は Danger からきている単語で、「危険にさらされている」という意味です。


2016年の「市の鳥」を決める選挙は Barn Owl(ふくろう)、Barn Swallow(つばめ)、Western Grebe(カイツブリ)と Peregrine Falcon(ハヤブサ)の間で争われています。


開票は5月9日で、誰でもオンラインで投票する事ができます。投票・詳細はこちらから → Van City Bird 2016


Barn Owl (@heyitsbarnowl): An old soul. Fan of free-range organic food, urban agriculture, heritage buildings, espresso. 3-D hearing means I’ll listen as your 2016 #VanCityBird

Barn Swallow (@thebarnswallow): If there’s one bird you want to hang out with, it’s me! I’m the life of the party and my flashy feathers prove it. I’m your #VanCityBird!

Western Grebe (@WesternGrebe): I am the swan-like bird sunning and dancing along the inlet. Elect me #VanCityBird and let’s protect our beautiful waters from tanker traffic and pipelines!

Peregrine Falcon (@vanperegrine): Vote for me as your #VanCityBird. I’m the fastest one around and can get things done for our City!

原文はこちらから -> Meet the candidates for City Bird 2016

Mune から今日の「英語ライフ」をお送りました。それではまた次回(^^♫
