今回の記事は CBC News のニュース記事を基にいつもの英語ライフとは形式を変えてお送りします。
What’s going to cost you more, less, in 2018 in B.C.
As 2018 approaches, some expenses in B.C. will be going up, but this year some others are dropping or holding steady. Here’s a look at some of the services that could cost you more, less, or the same in the new year.
1. Property taxes
2. Food prices
3. MSP rates
4. Natural gas
5. BC Hydro rate
6. Ferry fares
7. ICBC rates
8. Transit fares
1. Property Taxes(固定資産税)
Vancouver city council approved a 4.24 per cent property tax increase earlier this month.
2. Food Prices(食品価格)
Not exactly a service, but some grocery prices are forecast to increase in 2018, according to the latest Canada Food Price Report.
It’s expected vegetable prices and restaurant meals will climb between four and six per cent.
3. MSP rates(Medical Services Plan / BC州の公的健康保険)
On the plus side, rates for medical services premiums are going down in 2018.
4. Natural gas(天然ガス)
As announced earlier in December, FortisBC is dropping the price of natural gas effective Jan. 1 due to lower natural gas prices.
FortisBC は1月から天然ガスの価格を約6パーセント引き下げることを決定しています。Lower Mainland や Fraser Valley、Interior、Kootenaysなどに住んでいる方は年間で約45ドル安くなるとのことです。
5. BC Hydro
Turn off the tap when shaving, brushing your teeth & washing your hands and you could save up to $21/year. More no-cost tips: https://t.co/cWM1T2FAWP pic.twitter.com/q6UL1ZnUYL
— BC Hydro (@bchydro) 2017年12月29日
Hydro rates, for the first time in a while, won’t be going up, but also aren’t dropping.
BC Hydro は高くも安くもなりません。州政府は一時的に価格を固定し、将来的な価格設定の検証を行っています。
6. Ferry fares(フェリー運賃)
It’s not happening in January, but ferry rates for the major routes will be frozen as of April 1, 2018, according to the province.
BC Ferry の運賃も固定されましたが、利用者が比較的少ないルートの運賃を15パーセント引き下げ、そしてシニア運賃を無料(月~木の間)にする方針です。
7. ICBC rates(The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia / BC政府が運営する自動車保険会社)
Avoid a dangerous skid: Don't brake, ease off the gas and steer in the direction you want to go. Get more winter driving tips: https://t.co/jfa2lBtMrp #ShiftIntoWinter pic.twitter.com/J2satuGYmP
— ICBC (@icbc) 2017年12月19日
There will be no changes to ICBC rates for Jan. 1, although the basic-rate just climbed in November by 6.4 per cent and overall optional insurance rates climbed by 9.6 per cent.
ICBC の毎月の支払い額に変化はありませんが、2017年で既に約9.6パーセント値上げされています。州政府はICBCの経営体制を見直し、更なる価格上昇を抑える方針です。
8. Transit fares(公共交通機関の運賃)
photo from translink.ca
The last rise in transit fares in the Lower Mainland came this past summer, and since then TransLink has undertaken a review of its pricing structure.
It’s looking at changing the system to move to distance-based pricing. That could see transit costs rise or drop depending on your trips.
ということで、CBC Newsの記事の一部を意訳してご紹介しましたが、いかがでしたか?
Mune から今日の「英語ライフ」をお送りました。それではまた次回(^^♪♪