




バンクーバーの北東約260 kmのところにある小さな村で、6月29日(火)には前例のない熱波がカナダ西部を襲ったため、最高気温は49.6℃に達しました。

そんな中、6月30日(水)の夕方にリットンが炎に包まれました。(BC Wildfire Serviceによると原因は不明で調査中)

リットンのJan Polderman村長はリットンに暮らす約250人の住民に避難するよう呼びかけ、住民の多くは写真アルバムなど大切な持ち物を準備する暇もなく村から出たとのことです。村長によると、村全体が15分で炎に包まれたそうです。



また、BC Wildfire Serviceが7月1日に伝えたところによると、この火災は現状「制御不能(Out of control)」に分類され、6,400ヘクタール規模になるとのことのことで、現場では消防隊の方たちが消火活動にあたっています。




今回の火災を受けて、多くの方が GoFundMe で寄付を募っています。今回は寄付を募る8件の投稿を簡単ながら紹介します。

Lytton Relief Fund

The Boston Bar First Nations and Tuckkwiowhum Village, with the help of our Tourism Partners in the Fraser Valley, are collecting donations on behalf of those affected by the Lytton, BC wildfire.
Our fundraisers and donation centres are setup and your donations will be distributed directly to all those affected by the Lytton fire. All donations will be immediately distributed to those in need.
Records of our fundraising efforts and distributions will be made available as we proceed and you can expect full transparency with our fundraising efforts. We would like to thank everyone who has volunteered or donated so far! We are working hard to get your donations in the hands of those in need!
For more information of how you can help and where you can drop off donations please visit: https://www.thefraservalley.ca/blog/2021/7/1/lytton-wildfire-relief-efforts


Lytton First Nation Community Emergency Support

Lytton and the surrounding area has experienced tragic losses from the fire. We are still trying to account for all our people, and countless family homes were lost. We are raising funds to support community members during this horrible emergency and to help us rebuild. On behalf of Lytton First Nation we have created this page and we are a qualified donee with Charity status and can provide tax receipts. All funds will directly benefit the Lytton community. We appreciate any support and prayers for our people.



Help for the victims of the Lytton wildfire

Ey Swayel, Hello, My name is Melissa Charles. I’m from Chawathil First Nation. My kids father is Nolan Adams from the Lytton Band. His family is directly effected by this catastrophe and my heart breaks for them. My kids aunties, uncles, grandparents homes have all been destroyed by this fire.

All donations go directly to the families in need. Many people had to leave all of their belongings behind, most left and have no gas, clothes, emergency identification, and some even left with no shoes, etc..

My thoughts and prayers go to everyone involved 引用:gofundme.com


Love for Lytton

My plan is to get the funds to the Village of Lytton, Lytton First Nation and/or the TNRD, as the Village and LFN see fit. Being that the offices for both these entities have burnt to the ground, it is understandable that it may be some time before it is worked out just where the funds will go. As this is an ever-changing situation, I have reached out to the Village of Lytton and Lytton First Nation to arrange the best way to get the funds where they need to be. People come first, and I know those in charge are currently busy ensuring evacuees are safe and trying to connect families who are separated. I will update as I know more. I am hoping to transfer the funds directly from GoFundMe to an account closer to Lytton once the Village and LFN (and any other parties deemed an interest by these local leaders) have been in touch.



Helping our friends in Lytton

Savage Society and our friends at 2 Rivers Remix Society is starting this fundraiser on behalf of folks in Lytton, BC, our friends, family, 2 legged and 4 legged, Elders and young ones, who have had to flee their homes and are experiencing much loss.

The funds will be used for both immediate needs and Re-establishment and kept aside for these purposes.


Mike Sam & Family

Hello my name is Shane Bolan from Hope B.C, I have a huge extended family on my Fathers side who live in Lytton B.C. This past January I lost my father John Donald Bolan , he died of a heart attack. My dads extended family jumped in to help with no questions asked, even with Covid 19 they offered their homes for us to gather for our father and I am so grateful to every single one of them, they are true hero’s to me and I love them all dearly.

Today some of them lost their homes in the Lytton fire including where we were gathering for my fathers funeral, and I know if my dad was here today he wouldn’t ask he would just push me along and tell me to help in anyway I can.

so I created this Go Fund me Page to help my Uncles Donny and Mike and all my extended family. Please give anything you can it goes along way.


Help bring lytton back together.

My Name is Shoneena Lee Loss.

I am a Mother, Sister, Aunty, Friend and Lytton was my second home. I worked within the community on all levels of Support and Healing for over 10 years.

my work was there

my elders were there

my family was there

my future… was there.

And still is.


My brothers lost their home

3 of my brothers have lost everything including their home in the wild fire in Lytton bc. Any support towards them managing through the next while would be greatly appreciated. As you probably know a huge portion of Lytton is gone and this means the majority of my family have also lost their homes. I will also be collecting donations of household items that I will deliver to lytton for whoever to take. If you’d like to make any donations towards that please message me.





BC Wildfire Service
