
Haunted Village


2016/10/27 @ 6:00 午後 – 2016/10/30 @ 9:00 午後
Burnaby Village Museum
Adults, youth & seniors: $14
Burnaby Village Museum

halloween-header-2016photo from Haunted Village

October 27-30, 6-9pm
Tickets available at the door.
Members are free.
Come waning moon or silver wet cloud, wear your costumes to explore the Village in the dark of the night. Witches, ghosts and all sorts of storybook and fairy tale characters come to life at this year’s Haunted Village. It’ll be a spooktacular time!

There are many haunting transformations throughout the site. The bakery is now known as the Apple of Your Eye and specializes in wedding cakes for rats, innards pies, eyeball cakes and potions of all sorts. Next to the church the freshly turned soil in the Graveyard marks the locations of the new residents.

Mother Goose welcomes visitors at the main gate. Look for the giant moon and a cow making its incredible jump right over it.
Head to the Love Farm House to see parts of the Little Red Riding Hood story. Peer through the windows to check on Grannie, the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.
A family of three bears has moved into the area of the Log Cabin. Goldilocks has been spotted, too!
Miss Ernst, the Witch, and many many mice are in the
General Store.
Scenes from Sleeping Beauty with Maleficent, Aurora and the Prince can be found at Elworth House.
Be wary of the characters at the Honeymoon Express (Tram Barn) – Frankenstein is there with his bride plus his mad scientist friend.
Wear your dancing shoes and be part of the fun on Hill Street as several times a night a mysterious Huntsman appears out of an old over-grown hut, strikes up the dancing tunes and invites all to join.

Special Event Rates
Adults, youth & seniors: $14
Children (2-12 years): $9
Entrance includes trick-or-treating for the children, entertainment and carousel rides for all. Taxes included. Tickets available at the door; Members free. The Ice Cream Parlour will be open for ghoulish snacks and light meals.

Contact us for special group information: 604-297-4565
